Take the Pledge!

Kentucky Jobs With Justice

A campaign for workers’ rights.


…standing up for our rights as working people to a decent standard of living.

…supporting the right of all workers to organize and bargain collectively

…fighting for secure family-wage jobs in the face of corporate attacks on working people and our communities

…organizing the unorganized to take aggressive action to secure a better economic future for all of us.

…mobilizing those already organized to join the fight for jobs with justice.

During the next year, I will be there at least five times for someone else’s fight, as well as my own. If enough of us are there, we’ll all start winning.

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    Kentucky Jobs with Justice
    1800 W Muhammad Ali Boulevard, Louisville, KY 40203
    tel: 502.582.5454 fax:502.582.5452 e-mail: [email protected]